Introduction (2 hours)
Oligopolistic competition (10 hours)
A review of game-theoretic models of oligopolistic behavior: Bertrand vs. Cournot
Firm strategic behaviour on public/private (mixed) markets
Horizontal product differentiation and oligopolistic competition: the Hotelling model
Models of vertical product differentiation
Horizontal mergers (2 hours)
Incentives towards horizontal mergers and the efficiency defence
Vertical relationships (4 hours)
The double marginalization problem in vertically-structured markets and the gains from vertical mergers
Vertical restraints and the efficiency of vertical chains
Cartels and collusion (6 hours)
The instability of cartels in one-shot games
Unraveling in the repeated Prisoners’ Dilemma
Collusion sustainability under Cournot and Bertrand competition
Optimal punishments and partial collusion
Oligopoly and environmental taxation (8 hours)
The optimal Pigouvian policy in the short and the long run
Environmental taxation as an incentive towards innovation
Joint effects of profit and Pigouvian taxation
Competitive vs. cooperative green R&D with spillovers
Mergers, vertical relations and collusion under environmental regulation (4 hours)
Vertical relations under emission taxation and environmental innovation
Horizontal mergers under negative environmental externalities
The environmental consequences of cartel behaviour
Environmental quality and the Porter hypothesis (4 hours)
Profit incentives and quality distortions under environmental policy
Environmental quality and eco-labeling
Green vs. brown under Bertrand and Cournot competition
Mixed oligopoly and Corporate Social Responsibility (4 hours)
CSR in mixed oligopolies
Vertical relations with CSR
CSR and the stability of implicit collusion
Consumer environmental awareness (4 hours)
Environmentalism in a linear model à la Hotelling
Green consumerism and the supply of environmental quality
Ultimo aggiornamento: 24-09-2024