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Sofia Giuffre'

Qualifica: Professore associato
Telefono: +39 09651693245
Altro recapito: +39 0965 1693474
Fax: +39 0965 1693481
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Struttura di appartenenza: Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, delle Infrastrutture e dell'Energia Sostenibile

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Elenco dei ricevimenti:

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Il ricevimento ha luogo il giovedi' alle 11:00 presso lo studio del docente. E' preferibile chiedere conferma via e-mail.
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Il ricevimento ha luogo il giovedi' alle 11:00 presso lo studio del docente. E' preferibile chiedere conferma via e-mail.
Su richiesta, e' possibile concordare un ricevimento in altro giorno o orario.


  1. 1. Colajanni G, Daniele P, Giuffre? S, Nagurney A, Cybersecurity Investments with Nonlinear Budget Constraints and Conservation Laws, "International transactions in operational research", Articolo in rivista, n. 25, 2018, pp. 1443-1464, ISSN: 1475-3995.
  2. 2. Colajanni G, Daniele P, Giuffre? S, Maugeri A, Nonlinear duality in Banach spaces and applications to finance and elasticity, in: Editor: T. M. Rassias, Applications of Nonlinear Analysis, Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2018.
  3. 3. Battiato S, Daniele P, Farinella Gm, Giuffre? S, Scrimali L, Preface, "Journal of global optimization", Articolo in rivista, n. 70, Issue 2, 2018, pp. 307, ISSN: 0925-5001.
  4. 4. Giuffre? S, Pratelli A, Puglisi D, Radial solutions and free boundary of the elastic-plastic torsion problem, "Journal of convex analysis", Articolo in rivista, n. 25, 2018, pp. 529-543, ISSN: 0944-6532.
  5. 5. Daniele P, Giuffre? S, Lorino M, Functional Inequalities, Regularity and Computation of the Deficit and Surplus Variables in the Financial Equilibrium Problem, "Journal of global optimization", Articolo in rivista, n. 65, 2016, pp. 575-596, ISSN: 0925-5001.
  6. 6. Daniele P, Giuffre? S, Random Variational Inequalities and the Random Traffic Equilibrium Problem, "Journal of optimization theory and applications", Articolo in rivista, n. 167, 2015, pp. 363-381, ISSN: 1573-2878.
  7. 7. Giuffre? S, Maugeri A, Puglisi D, Lagrange multipliers in elastic-plastic torsion problem for nonlinear monotone operators, "Journal of differential equations", Articolo in rivista, n. 259, 2015, pp. 817-837, ISSN: 0022-0396.
  8. 8. Daniele P, Giuffre? S, Maugeri A, Raciti F, Duality Theory and Applications to Unilateral Problems, "Journal of optimization theory and applications", Articolo in rivista, n. 162, 2014, pp. 718-734, ISSN: 0022-3239.
  9. 9. Barbagallo A, Daniele P, Giuffre? S, Maugeri A, Variational approach for a general financial equilibrium problem, "European journal of operational research", Articolo in rivista, n. 237, 2014, pp. 231-244, ISSN: 0377-2217.
  10. 10. Daniele P, Giuffre? S, Maugeri A, General Traffic Equilibrium Problem with Uncertainty and Random Variational Inequalities, Optimization in Science and Engineering (In Honor of the 60th Birthday of P.M. Pardalos), Springer, New York - Usa, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4939-0807-3.
  11. 11. Daniele P, Giuffre? S, Lorino M, Maugeri A, Mirabella C, Functional Inequalities and Analysis of Contagion in the Financial Networks, in: Themistocles, Handbook of Functional Equations, Functional Inequalities, SPRINGER, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4939-1245-2.
  12. 12. Giuffre? S, Maugeri A, A Measure-type Lagrange Multiplier for the Elastic-Plastic Torsion, "Nonlinear analysis", Articolo in rivista, n. 102, 2014, pp. 23-29, ISSN: 0362-546X.
  13. 13. Giuffre? S, Maugeri A, Lagrange Multipliers in Elastic-Plastic Torsion, AIP Conference Proceedings, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1558, 2013, pp. 1801-1804.
  14. 14. Giuffre? S, Idone G., Maugeri A, Regularity theory of the gradient for general nonlinear parabolic systems, "Applicable analysis", Articolo in rivista, n. 91, 2012, pp. 1847-1866, ISSN: 0003-6811.
  15. 15. Giuffre? S, Elements of Duality Theory, in: Editor Q. H. Ansari, Topics in Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization,, World Education, Delhi - Ind, 2012.
  16. 16. Giuffre? S, Maugeri A, New results on infinite dimensional duality in elastic-plastic torsion, "Filomat", Articolo in rivista, 2012, pp. 1029-1036, ISSN: 0354-5180.
  17. 17. Giuffre? S, Idone G, On Linear and Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems in the Plane with Discontinuous Coefficients, "Discrete and continuous dynamical systems", Articolo in rivista, n. 31, 2011, pp. 1347-1363, ISSN: 1078-0947.
  18. 18. Daniele P, Giuffre? S, Maugeri A, Pia S, A panoramic view on projected dynamical systems, Nonlinear Analysis and Variational Problems, Springer, New York - Usa, 2010.
  19. 19. Giuffre? S, Pia S, Weighted Traffic Equilibrium Problem in Non Pivot Hilbert Spaces with Long Term Memory, AIP Conference Proceedings, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1281, 2010, pp. 282-285.
  20. 20. Daniele P, Giuffre? S, Maugeri A, REMARKS ON GENERAL INFINITE DIMENSIONAL DUALITY WITH CONE AND EQUALITY CONSTRAINTS, "Communications in applied analysis", Articolo in rivista, n. 13, 2009, pp. 567-578, ISSN: 1083-2564.
  21. 21. Giuffre? S, Pia S, Weighted Traffic Equilibrium Problem in Non Pivot Hilbert Spaces, "Nonlinear analysis", Articolo in rivista, n. 71, 2009, pp. 2054-2061, ISSN: 0362-546X.
  23. 23. Giuffre? S, Idone G, Global regularity for solutions to Dirichlet problem for discontinuous elliptic systems with nonlinearity q>1 and with natural growth, "Journal of global optimization", Articolo in rivista, n. 40 (1-3), 2008, pp. 99-117, ISSN: 0925-5001.
  24. 24. Giuffre? S, Idone G, Pia S, Some Classes of Projected Dynamical Systems in Banach Spaces and Variational inequalities, "Journal of global optimization", Articolo in rivista, n. 40 (1-3), 2008, pp. 119-128, ISSN: 0925-5001.
  25. 25. Daniele P, Giuffre? S, General infinite dimensional duality and applications to evolutionary network equilibrium problems, "Optimization letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 1, 2007, pp. 227-243, ISSN: 1862-4472.
  26. 26. Daniele P, Giuffre? S, Idone G, Maugeri A, Infinite Dimensional Duality and Applications, "Mathematische annalen", Articolo in rivista, n. 339, 2007, pp. 221-239, ISSN: 0025-5831.
  27. 27. Giuffre? S, Idone G, Pia S, Projected Dynamical Systems and Variational inequalities equivalence results, "Journal of nonlinear and convex analysis", Articolo in rivista, n. 7 (3), 2006, pp. 453-463, ISSN: 1345-4773.
  28. 28. Daniele P., Giuffre? S, Pia S., Competitive Financial Equilibrium Problems with Policy Interventions, "Journal of industrial and management optimization", Articolo in rivista, n. 1, 2005, pp. 39-52, ISSN: 1547-5816.
  29. 29. Giuffre? S, Idone G., Global regularity for solutions to Dirichlet problem for discontinuous elliptic systems with nonlinearity q>1 and with natural growth, "Bollettino dell'unione matematica italiana. b", Articolo in rivista, n. 8, 2005, pp. 519-524, ISSN: 0392-4041.
  30. 30. Giuffre? S, Strong Solvability of Boundary Value Contact Problems, "Applied mathematics and optimization", Articolo in rivista, n. 51, 2005, pp. 361-372, ISSN: 0095-4616.
  31. 31. Giuffre? S, Idone G., Maugeri A., Duality Theory and Optimality Conditions for Generalized Complementary Problems, "Nonlinear analysis", Articolo in rivista, n. 63, 2005, pp. 1655-1664, ISSN: 0362-546X.
  32. 32. Giuffre? S, Idone G, Global regularity for solutions to Dirichlet problem for elliptic systems with nonlinearity q >_ 2 and with natural growth, Variational Analysis and Applications, Springer, New York - Usa, 2005, ISBN: 978-0-387-24209-5.
  33. 33. Giuffre? S, Idone G, Maugeri A, Optimality Conditions for Generalized Complementarity Problems,, Variational Analysis and Applications, Springer, New York - Usa, 2005, ISBN: 978-0-387-24209-5.
  34. 34. Giuffre? S, Pia S, Variational Inequalities for time dependent financial equilibrium with price constraints, Variational Analysis and Applications, Springer, New York - Usa, 2005, ISBN: 978-0-387-24209-5.
  35. 35. Giuffre? S, Idone G., Infinite Dimensional Lagrangean Theory and Applications to Generalized Complementarity Problems, "Le matematiche", Articolo in rivista, n. LX, 2005, pp. 475-480, ISSN: 0373-3505.
  36. 36. Giuffre? S, On an estimate related to the Hessian and application to an oblique derivative problem, "Mathematical inequalities & applications", Articolo in rivista, n. 8, 2005, pp. 111-127, ISSN: 1331-4343.
  37. 37. Giuffre? S, Global Hölder regularity for discontinuous elliptic equations in the plane, "Proceedings of the american mathematical society", Articolo in rivista, n. 132, 2004, pp. 1333-1344, ISSN: 0002-9939.
  38. 38. Giuffre? S, Tangential oblique derivative problem in the plane with quadratic growth, "Communications on applied nonlinear analysis", Articolo in rivista, n. 10, 2003, pp. 41-54, ISSN: 1074-133X.
  39. 39. Giuffre? S, On an oblique derivative problem of finite index for nonlinear elliptic discontinuous equations in the plane, "Publicationes mathematicae", Articolo in rivista, n. 63, 2003, pp. 611-621, ISSN: 0033-3883.
  40. 40. Giuffre? S, On a planar emergent type oblique derivative problem, "Comptes rendus de l'académie bulgare des sciences", Articolo in rivista, n. 55, 2002, pp. 11-16, ISSN: 1310-1331.
  41. 41. Giuffre? S, Strong solvability of boundary value problems in elasticity with unilateral constraints, Equilibrium Problems and Variational Models, Kluwer Academic Publishers, - Nld, 2002.
  42. 42. Giuffre? S, On the strong solvability of a unilateral boundary value problem for nonlinear discontinuous operators in the plane, Equilibrium Problems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, - Nld, 2001.
  43. 43. Giuffre? S, Well posedness of the tangential oblique derivative problem in the plane, "Comptes rendus de l'académie des sciences. série 1, mathématique", Articolo in rivista, n. 331, 2000, pp. 207-212, ISSN: 0764-4442.
  44. 44. Giuffre? S, Oblique derivative problem for nonlinear elliptic discontinuous operators in the plane with quadratic growth, "Comptes rendus de l'académie des sciences. série 1, mathématique", Articolo in rivista, n. 328, 1999, pp. 859-864, ISSN: 0764-4442.
  45. 45. Giuffre? S, Tangential oblique derivative problem for nonlinear elliptic discontinuous operators in the plane, 9th Int. Coll. on Differential Equations, VSP, Utrecht - Nld, 1999, pp. 169-176.
  46. 46. Giuffre? S, Existence and uniqueness theorem for an oblique derivative problem for nonlinear elliptic discontinuous operators in the plane, 8th Int. Coll. on Differential Equations, VSP, Utrecht - Nld, 1998, pp. 187-193.
  47. 47. Giuffre? S, Oblique derivative problem for nonlinear elliptic discontinuous operators in the plane, "Communications in applied analysis", Articolo in rivista, n. 2 no.4, 1998, pp. 585-594, ISSN: 1083-2564.
  48. 48. Giuffre? S, The nonlinear oblique derivative problem in the plane, "Comptes rendus de l'académie des sciences. série 1, mathématique", Articolo in rivista, n. 325, 1997, pp. 1081-1086, ISSN: 0764-4442.


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