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Andrea Morabito

Qualifica: Professore associato
Telefono: +39 0965 1693262
Altro recapito: +39 09651693285 (Lab. Campi Elettromagnetici)
Fax: +39 09651693247
Indirizzo e-mail:  Indirizzo e-mail
Curriculum:  Curriculum
SSD: IINF-02/A - Campi elettromagnetici
Struttura di appartenenza: Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, delle Infrastrutture e dell'Energia Sostenibile

Anno Accademico 2024/2025

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Descrizione Avviso
Dal 22 Settembre 2020, il ricevimento ha luogo ogni martedi e mercoledi alle ore 13:00 subito dopo della lezione di Campi Elettromagnetici II presso l'aula A2 e/o lo studio del docente sito al V piano del plesso DIIES.
Dal 22 Settembre 2020, il ricevimento ha luogo ogni martedi e mercoledi alle ore 13:00 subito dopo della lezione di Campi Elettromagnetici II presso l'aula A2 e/o lo studio del docente sito al V piano del plesso DIIES.
Dal 22 Settembre 2020, il ricevimento ha luogo ogni martedi e mercoledi alle ore 13:00 subito dopo della lezione di Campi Elettromagnetici II presso l'aula A2 e/o lo studio del docente sito al V piano del plesso DIIES.
Dal 22 Settembre 2020, il ricevimento ha luogo ogni martedi e mercoledi alle ore 13:00 subito dopo della lezione di Campi Elettromagnetici II presso l'aula A2 e/o lo studio del docente sito al V piano del plesso DIIES.


  1. 1. G. Battaglia, T. Isernia, R. Palmeri, A. F. Morabito, Four beams reconfigurable circular rings array antennas for monopulse radar applications, "Radio science", Articolo in rivista, n. 58, 2023, pp. 1-14, ISSN: 1944-799X.
  2. 2. Battaglia Giada M., Isernia Tommaso, Palmeri Roberta, Morabito Andrea F., Synthesis of Orbital Angular Momentum Antennas for Target Localization, "Radio science", Articolo in rivista, n. 58, 2023, pp. 1-15, ISSN: 0048-6604.
  3. 3. R. Palmeri, G. Battaglia, A. F. Morabito, S. Costanzo, F. Venneri, T. Isernia, Fault diagnostics of realistic arrays from a reduced number of phaseless near field measurements, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 71, 2023, pp. 7206-7219, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  4. 4. G. Battaglia, A. F. Morabito, R. Palmeri, T. Isernia, Effective Non-Iterative Phase Retrieval of 2-D Bandlimited Signals with Applications to Antenna Characterization and Diagnostics, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 71, 2023, pp. 6444-6453, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  5. 5. Palmeri R., Battaglia G. M., Morabito A. F., Isernia T., Reflector Antennas Characterization and Diagnostics using a Single Set of Far-Field Phaseless Data and Crosswords-like Processing, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 70, 2022, pp. 8424-8439, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  6. 6. Roberta Palmeri, Giada Battaglia, Andrea Morabito, Tommaso Isernia, Array Antenna Fault Diagnosis Via Near Field Amplitude-Only Data, 2022 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2022, ISBN: 978-88-31299-04-6.
  7. 7. Giada Battaglia, Andrea Morabito, Roberta Palmeri, Tommaso Isernia, Localizing Targets via Properly-Synthesized Orbital Angular Momentum Vortices, 2022 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2022, ISBN: 978-88-31299-04-6.
  8. 8. Battaglia Gm, Palmeri R, Morabito Af, Isernia T, Optimal Synthesis of Circular Ring Arrays for Targets Localization via Orbital Angular Momentum Vortex Beams, 2022 3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia Pacific Radio Science Meeting (AT-AP-RASC), IEEE, 345 E 47th St, New York, Ny 10017 Usa -, 2022, pp. 1-4, ISBN: 978-1-6654-9986-6.
  9. 9. Battaglia Gm, Isernia T, Morabito Af, Palmeri R, Vitiello R, Innovative Antenna Solutions for Satellite Telecommunications, 2022 3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia Pacific Radio Science Meeting (AT-AP-RASC), IEEE, 345 E 47th St, New York, Ny 10017 Usa -, 2022, pp. 1-4, ISBN: 978-1-6654-9986-6.
  10. 10. Palmeri R., Battaglia G. M., Morabito A. F., Isernia T., A New Approach to Phase Retrieval and its Application to Reflector Antennas Diagnostics, 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI), Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2021, pp. 261-262, ISBN: 978-1-7281-4670-6.
  11. 11. Battaglia G. M., Palmeri R., Morabito A. F., Nicolaci P. G., Isernia T., A Non-Iterative Crosswords-Inspired Approach to the Recovery of 2-D Discrete Signals from Phaseless Fourier Transform Data, "Ieee open journal of antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 2, 2021, pp. 269-280, ISSN: 2637-6431.
  12. 12. Bui L. T. P., Anselmi N., Battaglia G. M., Isernia T., Rocca P., Morabito A. F., Synthesis of Wideband Reconfigurable Array Antennas for Monopulse Radar Applications, "Progress in electromagnetics research m", Articolo in rivista, n. 106, 2021, pp. 179-189, ISSN: 1937-8726.
  13. 13. Battaglia G. M., Palmeri R., Morabito A. F., Isernia T., A New X-Words like Approach to Two Dimensional Phase Retrieval Problems, 2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2021, pp. 1-3, ISBN: 978-88-31299-02-2.
  14. 14. Palmeri R, Battaglia Gm, Morabito Af, Isernia T, Phase Retrieval of 2-D Radiated Fields from Phaseless Data, 2021 Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium (AMTA), IEEE, 345 E 47th St, New York, Ny 10017 Usa -, 2021, pp. 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-7362351-1-9.
  15. 15. Giada M. Battaglia, Andrea F. Morabito, Gino Sorbello, Tommaso Isernia, Mask-constrained power synthesis of large and arbitrary arrays as a few-samples global optimization, "Progress in electromagnetics research c", Articolo in rivista, n. 98, 2020, pp. 69-81, ISSN: 1937-8718.
  16. 16. Battaglia G. M., Morabito A. F., Palmeri R., Isernia T., Towards 3-D Vector Intensity Focusing of Near and Far Fields, 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), IEEE, 2020, pp. 1-3, ISBN: 978-88-31299-00-8.
  17. 17. Battaglia G. M., Morabito A. F., Palmeri R., Isernia T., Retrieval and Synthesis of Sources having a Circular Support and Generating Shaped Patterns, 2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2020, pp. 1-4, ISBN: 978-9-4639-6800-3.
  18. 18. Battaglia G. M., Morabito A. F., Palmeri R., Isernia T., Constrained focusing of vector fields intensity in near zone and/or complex scenarios as a low-dimensional global optimization, "Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications", Articolo in rivista, n. 34, 2020, pp. 1977-1989, ISSN: 0920-5071.
  19. 19. Bui L. T. P, Anselmi N, Isernia T, Rocca P, Morabito A. F., On bandwidth maximization of fixed-geometry arrays through convex programming, "Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications", Articolo in rivista, n. 34, 2020, pp. 581-600, ISSN: 0920-5071.
  20. 20. A. F. Morabito, R. Palmeri, V. A. Morabito., A. R. Laganà, Isernia T, Single surface phaseless characterization of antennas via hierarchically-ordered optimizations, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 67, 2019, pp. 461-474, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  21. 21. A. F. Morabito, R. Palmeri, T. Isernia, A New Field Expansion Enabling the Compressive-Sensing-based Diagnosis of Realistic Planar Arrays through Phaseless Measurements, 2019 PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS-Spring), Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-7281-3403-1.
  22. 22. A. F. Morabito, R. Palmeri, T. Isernia, Phase Retrieval of Scalar Fields Radiated by Finite-dimensional Sources through Single-surface Measurements and a Crosswords-like Processing, 2019 PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS-Spring), Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-7281-3403-1.
  23. 23. R. Palmeri, A. F. Morabito, T. Isernia, Phase Faults Detection in Antenna Array through Amplitude-only Far Field Measurements and Sparsity Promotion-based Techniques, 6th IEEE International Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications, CAMA 2019, IEEE, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-7281-2396-7.
  24. 24. G. M. Battaglia, T. Isernia, A. F. Morabito, Optimal Antenna Array Pattern Synthesis via Hybrid Optimization, ICECOM 2019 - 23rd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2019.
  25. 25. A. F. Morabito, C. Ieracitano, F. C. Morabito, A Machine-learning and Compressive-sensing Inspired Approach to the Optimal Array Pattern Synthesis, 2019 PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS-Spring), Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-7281-3403-1.
  26. 26. Di Donato L, Bevacqua M, Morabito A, Isernia T, Orbital Angular Momentum and Virtual Experiments for Microwave Imaging, 2019 PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS-Spring), Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-7281-3403-1.
  27. 27. Morabito Andrea Francesco, Di Carlo A, Di Donato L, Sorbello G, Isernia Tommaso, Extending Spectral Factorization to Array Pattern Synthesis Including Sparseness, Mutual Coupling, and Mounting-Platform Effects, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 67, 2019, pp. 4548-4559, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  28. 28. Di Donato L, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Torrisi G, Isernia T, Sorbello G, Electromagnetic Inverse Profiling for Plasma Diagnostics via Sparse Recovery Approaches, "Ieee transactions on plasma science", Articolo in rivista, n. 47, 2019, pp. 1781-1787, ISSN: 0093-3813.
  29. 29. Morabito Andrea Francesco, Nicolaci P, Palmeri R, Isernia T, Two-Dimensional Phase Retrieval as a 'Crosswords' Problem, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2019.
  30. 30. Di Donato L, Mascali D, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Sorbello G, A Finite-Difference Approach for Plasma Microwave Imaging Profilometry, "Journal of imaging", Articolo in rivista, n. 5, 2019, pp. 1-14, ISSN: 2313-433X.
  31. 31. Palmeri R, Isernia T, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Diagnosis of Planar Arrays Through Phaseless Measurements and Sparsity Promotion, "Ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 18, 2019, pp. 1273-1277, ISSN: 1536-1225.
  32. 32. Battaglia G, Bellizzi G, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Sorbello G, Isernia T, A general effective approach to the synthesis of shaped beams for arbitrary fixed-geometry arrays, "Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications", Articolo in rivista, n. 33, 2019, pp. 2404-2422, ISSN: 1569-3937.
  33. 33. Battaglia G, Bellizzi G, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Sorbello G, Isernia T, A Hybrid Approach for the Optimal Synthesis of Shaped-Beams Through Generic Arrays, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2019.
  34. 34. Palmeri R, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Isernia T, Planar Arrays Diagnosis Through Phaseless Measurements, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2019.
  35. 35. R. Palmeri, M. T. Bevacqua, A. F. Morabito, Isernia T, Noncooperative Localization and Tracking through the Factorization Method, "Ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 16, 2019, pp. 1205-1209, ISSN: 1545-598X.
  36. 36. A. F. Morabito, L. Di Donato, Isernia T, Orbital Angular Momentum Antennas, "Ieee antennas & propagation magazine", Articolo in rivista, n. 60, 2018, pp. 59-67, ISSN: 1045-9243.
  37. 37. Palmeri R, Bevacqua M, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Isernia T, A modified contrast source inversion method for the synthesis of innovative dielectric devices, 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2018.
  38. 38. Palmeri R, Bevacqua M, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Isernia T, Exploiting Inverse Scattering Methodologies to Design Artificial Materials, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2018.
  39. 39. Isernia T, Laganà A, Morabito V, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Phase retrieval of scalar fields as a low number of sequential optimizations, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2018.
  40. 40. Morabito Andrea Francesco, Battaglia G, Bellizzi G, Isernia T, A general approach to the optimal synthesis of Shaped-Beams through fixed geometry arrays, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2018.
  41. 41. Isernia T, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Di Carlo C, Di Donato L, Sorbello G, Synthesis of Shaped Beams using Active Element Patterns and Spectral Factorization, 2018 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2018 - Proceedings, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2018.
  42. 42. Morabito Andrea Francesco, Isernia T, Exploiting the aperture antennas theory in the assessment of orbital angular momentum antennas limitations in far-field links, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2018.
  43. 43. Palmeri R, Bevacqua M, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Isernia T, Design of Artificial-Material-Based Antennas Using Inverse Scattering Techniques, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 66, 2018, pp. 7076-7090, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  44. 44. A. F. Morabito, P. G. Nicolaci, Circular-ring antenna arrays being at the same time sparse, isophoric, and phase-only reconfigurable, "Progress in electromagnetics research m", Articolo in rivista, n. 63, 2018, pp. 1-11, ISSN: 1937-8726.
  45. 45. T. Isernia, R. Palmeri, A. F. Morabito, L. Di Donato, Inverse scattering and compressive sensing as advanced e.m. design tools, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, IEEE, 2017, pp. 433-434.
  46. 46. Palmeri R, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Isernia T, Bevacqua Martina, Inverse scattering methods as a tool for the design of GPCs devices, 2017 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA), IEEE, 2017, pp. 130-132.
  47. 47. A. F. Morabito, Synthesis of maximally-sparse square or rectangular arrays through compressive sensing, Proceedings of the 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), IEEE, Vol. 2017, 2017, pp. 2829-2832.
  48. 48. Morabito Andrea Francesco, Nicolaci P, Optimal synthesis of shaped beams through concentric ring isophoric sparse arrays, "Ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 16, 2017, pp. 979-982, ISSN: 1536-1225.
  49. 49. A. F. Morabito, Synthesis of Maximum-Efficiency Beam Arrays via Convex Programming and Compressive Sensing, "Ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 16, 2017, pp. 2404-2407, ISSN: 1536-1225.
  50. 50. A. F. Morabito, P. G. Nicolaci, Optimal synthesis of phase-only reconfigurable continuous aperture sources and isophoric sparse-ring arrays, 2017 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC), IEEE, 2017, pp. 248-251.
  51. 51. A. F. Morabito, Deterministic optimal synthesis of radiating sources, 2017 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), IEEE, 2017, pp. 1254-1257.
  52. 52. R. Palmeri, M. T. Bevacqua, R. Scapaticci, A. F. Morabito, L. Crocco, T. Isernia, Biomedical imaging via wavelet-based regularization and distorted iterated virtual experiments, 2017 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), IEEE, 2017, pp. 1381-1384.
  53. 53. R. Palmeri, A. F. Morabito, T. Isernia, Design of a varying dielectric profile antenna generating reconfigurable ?-? pattern via inverse scattering theory, 2017 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), IEEE, 2017, pp. 1303-1306.
  54. 54. T. Isernia, A. F. Morabito, Mask-Constrained Power Synthesis of Linear Arrays with Even Excitations, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 64, 2016, pp. 3212-3217, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  55. 55. A. F. Morabito, L. Di Donato, Morabito Andrea Francesco, SIMPLE TOOLS FOR UNDERSTANDING THE LIMITATIONS OF ORBITAL ANGULAR MOMENTUM ANTENNAS, Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2016.
  56. 56. A. F. Morabito, R. Palmeri, Morabito Andrea Francesco, A NEW APPROACH TO THE DIAGNOSTICS OF ARRAY ANTENNAS BY MEANS OF A SMALL NUMBER OF PHASELESS MEASUREMENTS, Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2016.
  57. 57. A. F. Morabito, R. Palmeri, M. T. Bevacqua, T. Isernia, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Array Antennas Diagnostics Through Phaseless Measurements, EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, IEEE, 2016.
  58. 58. A. R. Laganà, Isernia Tommaso, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Phase retrieval by constrained power inflation and signum flipping, "Radio science", Articolo in rivista, n. 51, 2016, pp. 1855-1863, ISSN: 1944-799X.
  59. 59. A. F. Morabito, Power Synthesis of Mask-Constrained Shaped Beams Through Maximally-Sparse Planar Arrays, "Telkomnika (yogyakarta)", Articolo in rivista, n. 14, 2016, pp. 1217-1219, ISSN: 1693-6930.
  60. 60. A. F. Morabito, R. Palmeri, Isernia T, A Compressive-Sensing-Inspired Procedure for Array Antenna Diagnostics by a Small Number of Phaseless Measurements, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 64, 2016, pp. 3260-3265, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  61. 61. Isernia Tommaso, Iero Dam., Crocco L, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Optimal wave focusing in complex environments, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, ANTEM 2016, IEEE, 2016, ISBN: 978-146738477-3.
  62. 62. M. Salucci, L. Poli, A. F. Morabito, P. Rocca, Adaptive nulling through subarray switching in planar antenna arrays, "Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications", Articolo in rivista, n. 30, 2016, pp. 404-414, ISSN: 0920-5071.
  63. 63. G. Castorina, L. Di Donato, A. F. Morabito, T. Isernia, G. Sorbello, Analysis and Design of a Concrete Embedded Antenna for Wireless Monitoring Applications, "Ieee antennas & propagation magazine", Articolo in rivista, n. 58, 2016, pp. 76-93, ISSN: 1045-9243.
  64. 64. G. S. Mauro, G. Castorina, A. F. Morabito, L. Di Donato, G. Sorbello, Effects of lossy background and rebars on antennas embedded in concrete structures, "Microwave and optical technology letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 58, 2016, pp. 2653-2656, ISSN: 0895-2477.
  65. 65. A. F. Morabito, A. R. Laganà, L. Di Donato, Satellite multibeam coverage of earth, "Electromagnetic waves", Articolo in rivista, n. 156, 2016, pp. 135-144, ISSN: 1070-4698.
  66. 66. A. F. Morabito, A. R. Laganà, G. Sorbello, T. Isernia, Mask-constrained power synthesis of maximally sparse linear arrays through a compressive-sensing-driven strategy, "Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications", Articolo in rivista, n. 29, 2015, pp. 1384-1396, ISSN: 0920-5071.
  67. 67. A. F. Morabito, Morabito Andrea Francesco, An innovative strategy for the fast design of maximally-sparse arrays with sum and difference phase-only reconfigurable fields, EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, IEEE, 2015.
  68. 68. T. Isernia, D. A. M. Iero, A. F. Morabito, Morabito Andrea Francesco, OPTIMAL FOCUSING BY MEANS OF CONVEX PROGRAMMING, PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2015.
  69. 69. T. Isernia, A. F. Morabito, Morabito Andrea Francesco, OPTIMAL ARRAY ANTENNAS FOR MASK-CONSTRAINED SHAPED BEAMS, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2015.
  70. 70. A. F. Morabito, A. R. Lagana, T. Isernia, Optimizing Power Transmission in Given Target Areas in the Presence of Protection Requirements, "Ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 14, 2015, pp. 44-47, ISSN: 1536-1225.
  71. 71. A. F. Morabito, P. Rocca, Reducing the Number of Elements in Phase-Only Reconfigurable Arrays Generating Sum and Difference Patterns, "Ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 14, 2015, pp. 1338-1441, ISSN: 1536-1225.
  72. 72. P. Rocca, A. F. Morabito, Optimal Synthesis of Reconfigurable Planar Arrays With Simplified Architectures for Monopulse Radar Applications, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 63, 2015, pp. 1048-1058, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  73. 73. O. Leonardi, M. G. Pavone, G. Sorbello, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Isernia Tommaso, Compact single-layer circularly polarized antenna for short-range communication systems, "Microwave and optical technology letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 56, 2014, pp. 1843-1846, ISSN: 1098-2760.
  74. 74. A. F. Morabito, A. R. Laganà, T. Isernia, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Optimal Constrained Synthesis of Fields Granting Maximum Power Deposition over Given Areas, EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, IEEE, 2014.
  75. 75. A. F. Morabito, A. R. Laganà, T. Isernia, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Enhancing Compressive-Sensing Performances in the Synthesis of Maximally Sparse Arrays, EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, IEEE, 2014.
  76. 76. A. F. Morabito, A. R. Laganà, T. Isernia, Improving performances of Compressive Sensing in the synthesis of maximally-sparse arrays, DIGEST - IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, 2014, pp. 61-62.
  77. 77. O. M. Bucci, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Isernia Tommaso, Optimal Synthesis of Circularly Symmetric Shaped Beams, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 62, 2014, pp. 1954-1964, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  78. 78. A. F. Morabito, L. Di Donato, A. R. Laganà, T. Isernia, O. M. Bucci, Recent Advances in the Optimal Synthesis of Multibeam Satellite Antennas, Proceedings of the 7th EUropean Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2013), Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2013, pp. 3911-3912.
  79. 79. T. Isernia, A. R. Laganà, D. A. M. Iero, A. F. Morabito, A. Carlstrom, G. Toso, Optimization of the Array Element Layout for a Rotating Imaging Interferometer, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 61, 2013, pp. 5057-5067, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  80. 80. Morabito Af, Laganà A, Isernia T, Isophoric array antennas with a low number of control points, "Progress in electromagnetics research. letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 36, 2013, pp. 121-131, ISSN: 1937-6480.
  81. 81. Bucci O. M., Isernia Tommaso, Morabito Andrea Francesco, An effective deterministic procedure for the synthesis of shaped beams by means of uniform amplitude linear sparse arrays, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 61, 2013, pp. 169-175, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  82. 82. Isernia Tommaso, Di Donato L, Morabito Andrea Francesco, An Effective Framework for the Optimal Synthesis of Reconfigurable Array Antennas, IEEE International Symposium On Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, 2012.
  83. 83. A. F. Morabito, A. R. Laganà, Morabito Andrea Francesco, A Size-Tapered Architecture for High-Performance Isophoric Direct Radiating Arrays, Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2012.
  84. 84. A. F. Morabito, L. Di Donato, Morabito Andrea Francesco, A Canonical Problem in Multibeam Antenna Synthesis, XIX Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo, RiNEm 2012, 10-14 September 2012, Rome, Italy, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2012.
  85. 85. A. F. Morabito, A. R Laganà, T. Isernia, Morabito Andrea Francesco, A New Solution to the Problem of the Optimal Synthesis of Multibeam Satellite Antennas, 34th ESA Antenna Workshop on Large Deployable Antennas, 2nd - 5th October 2012, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands., Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2012.
  86. 86. A. F. Morabito, A. Massa, P. Rocca, T. Isernia, An Effective Approach to the Synthesis of Phase-Only Reconfigurable Linear Arrays, "Ieee transactions on antennas and propagation", Articolo in rivista, n. 60, 2012, pp. 3622-3631, ISSN: 0018-926X.
  87. 87. A. F. Morabito, A. R. Laganà, T. Isernia, A New Perspective in the Synthesis of Reconfigurable Linear or Circularly Symmetric Array Antennas, Proceedings of the Sixth EUropean Conference on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, 2012, pp. 2235-2239, ISBN: 9781457709203.
  88. 88. I. Catapano, A. F. Morabito, L. Crocco, F. Soldovieri, Tomographic imaging of holographic GPR data for non destructive structural assessment, "Nondestructive testing and evaluation", Articolo in rivista, n. 27, 2012, pp. 229-237, ISSN: 1058-9759.
  89. 89. L. Di Donato, A. F. Morabito, I. Catapano, L. Crocco, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Isernia Tommaso, Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Procedures for Inverse Scattering, 2012 IEEE International Symposium On Antennas and Propagation, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2012.
  90. 90. A. F. Morabito, T. Isernia, L. Di Donato, Optimal Synthesis of Phase-Only Reconfigurable Linear Sparse Arrays Having Uniform-Amplitude Excitations, "Electromagnetic waves", Articolo in rivista, n. 124, 2012, pp. 405-423, ISSN: 1070-4698.
  91. 91. A. De Matteis, T. Isernia, A. Massa, A. F. Morabito, P. Rocca, Synthesis of Reconfigurable Planar Arrays for Monopulse Radars, 2012 IEEE International Symposium On Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, 2012.
  92. 92. Bucci Om, Isernia Tommaso, Perna S, Pinchera D, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Isophoric Sparse Arrays, Proceedings of the Sixth EUropean Conference on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, 2012, pp. 832-836, ISBN: 9781457709203.
  93. 93. A. F. Morabito, An Effective Approach to the Optimal Synthesis of Circularly Symmetric Continuous Aperture Sources and Innovative Array Antennas, Ph.D. dissertation at the University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Universitą Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, 2011, ISBN: 9788899237127.
  94. 94. M. G. Labate, M. Durso, A. Buonanno, T. Isernia, A. F. Morabito, A. Massa, P. Rocca, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Comparisons and possible hybridizations of different Clustering Strategies for Large Arrays, 33rd ESA Antenna Workshop on Challenges for Space Antenna Systems, October 18th -21st 2011, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2011.
  95. 95. T. Isernia, A. F. Morabito, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Synthesis of Phase-Only Reconfigurable Linear Sparse Arrays with Uniform Amplitude Excitations, 33rd ESA Antenna Workshop on Challenges for Space Antenna Systems, October 18th -21st 2011, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2011.
  96. 96. T. Isernia, A. Massa, A. F. Morabito, P. Rocca, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Hybrid Analytic and Numerical Synthesis of Phase-Only Reconfigurable Linear Arrays, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications / IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications, September 12-16, 2011, Torino, Italy, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2011.
  97. 97. T. Isernia, L. Crocco, M. Durso, A. F. Morabito, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Re-Arranging Scattering Equations to Counteract Non Linearity of the Inverse Problem, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2011, 20-23 March 2011, Marrakesh, Morocco, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2011.
  98. 98. M. D?urso, T. Isernia, A. F. Morabito, G. Prisco, Minimizing the Number of Sensors in the Synthesis of Shaped Beams Patterns, Proceedings of the Fifth EUropean Conference on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, 2011, pp. 3040-3043.
  99. 99. O. M. Bucci, S. Perna, D. Pinchera, A. Catalani, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Isernia Tommaso, On the Generation of Highly Steerable Pencil Beams with Isophoric Sparse Arrays, Proceedings 33rd ESA Workshop on Antennas ('Challenges for Space Antennas systems'), Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 6, 2011.
  100. 100. T. Isernia, A. Massa, A. F. Morabito, P. Rocca, On the optimal synthesis of phase-only reconfigurable antenna arrays, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2011, IEEE, 2011, pp. 2074-2077.
  101. 101. Bucci Om, Isernia Tommaso, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Optimal synthesis of circularly symmetric aperture sources with shaped patterns, Proceedings of the Fifth EUropean Conference on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, 2011, pp. 1287-1290.
  102. 102. Isernia Tommaso, Lagana Ar, Iero Dam, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Analysis and Design of Synthetic Radiometers, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications / IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications, September 12-16, 2011, Torino, Italy, IEEE, 2011, pp. 969-972.
  103. 103. D. Iero, Isernia Tommaso, I. Catapano, L. Crocco, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Optimal Constrained Field Focusing for Hyperthermia Cancer Therapy, "Electromagnetic waves", Articolo in rivista, n. 102, 2010, pp. 125-141, ISSN: 1559-8985.
  104. 104. A. F. Morabito, P. Rocca, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Innovative Approaches to the Optimal Synthesis of Reconfigurable Antenna Arrays, XVIII RINEM, RIunione Nazionale di ElettroMagnetismo, 6-10 Settembre 2010, Benevento, Italia, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2010.
  105. 105. M. D?urso, T. Isernia, A. F. Morabito, On the Solution of 2-D Inverse Scattering Problems via Source-Type Integral Equations, "Ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing", Articolo in rivista, n. 48, 2010, pp. 1186-1198, ISSN: 1558-0644.
  106. 106. O. M. Bucci, T. Isernia, A. F. Morabito, S. Perna, D. Pinchera, On the Optimal Synthesis of Shaped Beam Sparse Arrays having Uniform Amplitude Excitations, IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology, IEEE, 2010, pp. 757-762.
  107. 107. A. R. Laganà, Isernia Tommaso, Morabito Andrea Francesco, On the optimal synthesis of ring symmetric shaped patterns by means of uniformly spaced planar arrays, "Progress in electromagnetics research b", Articolo in rivista, n. 20, 2010, pp. 33-48, ISSN: 1937-6472.
  108. 108. A. R. Laganà D. Iero, Isernia T., Morabito A. F., Crocco L., Carlström A., Toso G., Morabito Andrea Francesco, Synthetic Array Radiometers, XVIII RIunione Nazionale di ElettroMagnetismo, RINEM 2010, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2010.
  109. 109. P. Rocca A. F. Morabito, Isernia T., Massa A., Morabito Andrea Francesco, Synthesis of Arbitrary Sidelobes Sum and Difference Patterns with Common Excitation Weights, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), IEEE, Vol. 2010, 2010, ISBN: 9781424449675.
  110. 110. I. Catapano, L. Crocco, L. Di Donato, G. Angiulli, T. Isernia, A. F. Morabito, S. Tringali, O. M. Bucci, Guidelines for Effective Microwave Breast Imaging, Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2010 Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on, IEEE, Red Hook, Ny -, 2010, pp. 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6431-9.
  111. 111. Crocco L., Carlström A., Toso G., Morabito Andrea Francesco, Lagana Ar, Iero Dam, Isernia Tommaso, Recent advances in the optimization of the array element positions in the Geosounder instrument, 32nd ESA Antenna Workshop on Antennas for Space Applications, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 32, 2010.
  112. 112. O. M. Bucci T. Isernia, Morabito A. F., Perna S., Pinchera D., Catalani A., Russo L., Morabito Andrea Francesco, Sintesi e Realizzazione di Array Sparsi con Eccitazione Uniforme per le Comunicazioni da Satellite, XVIII RINEM, RIunione Nazionale di ElettroMagnetismo, 6-10 Settembre 2010, Benevento, Italia, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2010.
  113. 113. A. F. Morabito T. Isernia, Laganà A. R., Morabito Andrea Francesco, On the optimal synthesis of ring symmetric shaped beams through uniformly spaced planar arrays, EUropean Conference on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, Vol. 5, 2010.
  114. 114. D?urso M, Felaco M, Isernia Tommaso, Morabito Af, Ser E, On the minimal number of elements in array antennas for given far field performances, Proceedings IEEE 2010 Symposium on Phased Arrays, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2010, ISBN: 9781424451272.
  115. 115. Bucci Om, Isernia Tommaso, Perna S, Pinchera D, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Density and element-size tapering for the design of arrays with a reduced number of control points and high efficiency, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2010, European Association for Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 4, 2010.
  116. 116. Catalani A, Russo L, Bucci Om, Isernia Tommaso, Perna S, Pinchera D, Toso G, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Sparse arrays for satellite communications , Proc. 32nd ESA Workshop on Antennas ('Antennas for Space Applications'), Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 32, 2010.
  117. 117. Lagana Ar, Iero Dam, Isernia Tommaso, Carlstrom A, Toso G, Morabito Andrea Francesco, On the design and optimization of the array elements in the GEO atmospheric sounder instrument, Proc. IGARSS 2010 (Proceeding Ieee Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE, 2010, pp. 578-581, ISBN: 9781424495665.
  118. 118. Isernia Tommaso, M. D?urso, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Synthesis of difference patterns via uniform amplitude sparse arrays, "Electronics letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 46, 2010, pp. 554-556, ISSN: 0013-5194.
  119. 119. A. F. Morabito, P. Rocca, Optimal Synthesis of Sum and Difference Patterns With Arbitrary Sidelobes Subject to Common Excitations Constraints, "Ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 9, 2010, pp. 623-626, ISSN: 1536-1225.
  120. 120. F. Soldovieri, A. F. Morabito, F. D?agostino, S. I. Ivashov, V. V. Razevig, I. A. Vasilyev, A Simple Processing Approach for Holographic RASCAN Data, "Electromagnetic waves", Articolo in rivista, n. 107, 2010, pp. 315-330, ISSN: 1070-4698.
  121. 121. O. M. Bucci, T. Isernia, A. F. Morabito, A Deterministic Approach to the Synthesis of Pencil Beams through Planar Thinned Arrays, "Electromagnetic waves", Articolo in rivista, n. 101, 2010, pp. 217-230, ISSN: 1070-4698.
  122. 122. O. M. Bucci, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Isernia Tommaso, Optimal Synthesis of Directivity Constrained Pencil Beams by Means of Circularly Symmetric Aperture Fields, "Ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters", Articolo in rivista, n. 8, 2009, pp. 1386-1389, ISSN: 1536-1225.
  123. 123. Isernia Tommaso, M. G. Labate, M. D?urso, O. M. Bucci, Morabito Andrea Francesco, Direct Radiating Arrays for Satellite Communications via Aperiodic Tilings, "Electromagnetic waves", Articolo in rivista, n. 93, 2009, pp. 107-124, ISSN: 1559-8985.
  124. 124. I. Catapano, L. Di Donato, L. Crocco, O. M. Bucci, A. F. Morabito, Isernia T, R. Massa, On quantitative microwave tomography of female breast, "Electromagnetic waves", Articolo in rivista, n. 97, 2009, pp. 75-93, ISSN: 1070-4698.
  125. 125. Catapano I, D?urso M, Crocco L, Isernia Tommaso, Morabito Andrea Francesco, A stepwise approach for quantitative 3D imaging, Proceedings IEEE APS Symposium 2009, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Vol. 4, 2009, ISBN: 9781424436477.
  126. 126. Isernia Tommaso, Bucci Om, D?urso M, Labate Mg, Morabito Af, Direct Radiating Arrays with a reduced number of control points based on aperiodic tilings, Proceedings 30th ESA Workshop on Antennas ('Antennas for earth observation, Science Telecommunication and Navigation Space Missions'), Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2008, pp. 221-224.
  127. 127. Catapano I, Crocco L, D?urso M, Morabito Af, Isernia Tommaso, Microwave tomography of breast cancer, Proceedings EuCAP 2006, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 5, 2006.



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