Visiting professors
Ali Ahmadian

Dr. Ali Ahmadian completed his M.Sc. and B.Sc. in IRAN then he persuaded his PhD studies in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in 2009 where he graduated as the best postgraduate student in Mathematics and Statistic field in January 2014.
He published more than 50 research papers in prestigious JCR Indexed journals and presented his research works in 36 international conferences in North America, China, Serbia, Turkey, UAE and Malaysia. He is currently member of Editorial board of Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications, and was a guest editor in the Advances in Mechanical Engineering, SAGE. He is a reviewer in the 56 international journals involving IEEE, Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, IOP, Emerald, Inderscience, Hindawi and MDPI. He is pioneer in the world to apply the fuzzy fractional calculus for modeling the real-world systems.He joint to the Department of Mathematics, UPM in August 2014 and continued his duties as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow till December 2017 when he has been promoted to the post of Fellow Researcher at the Institute for Mathematical Research (INSPEM), UPM. He is the first student in UPM to develop the analytical and numerical methods for solving fuzzy differential equations as his PhD thesis completely has been devoted to this topic.
His main interests are Fuzzy and Fractional Calculus, Interval arithmetic and Mathematical Modeling.
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Stathis Banakas

Professor Stathis Banakas (Ptycheion Nomikis Athens, PhD Cambridge), is a leading Comparative law expert, teaching at the University of East Anglia, UK, the University of Notre Dame (USA)-London Gateway, and Visiting Professor in several Universities in Europe and USA.
His teaching and research interests are Comparative Private Law, Personal Injury compensation in European Private Laws, Laws of Damages, (Compensation), European Private Law, Legal Philosophy. US Constitutional law. He is the author of many books and scientific articles in these fields, in several languages.
Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Founding Fellow of the European Law Institute and assessor of research projects for the British Academy and Research Funding originations in several countries.
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Sarah Barry

Holder of a law degree from the Université de Perpignan in the South of France and a master's degree in European political science from the Political sciences Institute of Strasbourg, Sarah defended with the highest honours her thesis about Precontractual negotiations under Quebec law with a French and German comparative approach in May 2018 under the supervision of both Prof. Rémy Cabrillac from the Université de Montpellier in France and Prof. Elise Charpentier from the Université de Montréal in Canada.
During her Ph.D. studies, Sarah has been a research and a teaching assistant, Vice-president for the academic affairs within the Association representing postgraduate students at the Université de Montréal but also Junior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute in Hambourg, Germany. In 2015, she taught “Law Introduction” in France and “Legal methodology” in Canada in 2016 and 2017.
Sarah is the recipient of several excellence scholarships including the triennial scholarship of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, the scholarship of the Max Planck Institute and the Monique-Ouellette Scholarship attributed to students who develop research activities in Quebec Private Law and has attended a Ph.D. seminar in Melbourne, Australia.
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Davide Consoli
Davide Consoli, Ph.D., is Senior Research Fellow at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV). An economist by training, he is interested in issues at the intersection of economics of innovation and technology policy. His research focuses on the development of new technology and the generation and diffusion of knowledge. This broad topic is articulated in various streams of research on labour market effects of new technology; changes in the skill content of work; the dynamics of scientific networks; the diffusion of medical innovations; the economics of pharmaceutical production in developing countries; and, more recently, the emergence of environmental innovations. Dr. Consoli’s scholarly work has been published in leading international journals such as Research Policy, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Regional Science, Industrial and Corporate Change and R&D Management, among others.
A key component of Dr. Consoli’s professional activity is searching for competitive external funding at both national and international level. He has succeeded in gaining highly competitive Fellowships both in the UK and in Spain as well as at European level, including FP6, FP7 and H2020 as well as the Marie Curie Fellowship and Leverhulme Trust. He has also experience in competing for large-scale projects both in capacity of team member of team leader. Moreover, he consulted for firms in the public and the private sector, as well as scientific advisor for international Higher Education Institutions in Europe and the United States. He has successfully supervised four PhD students and mentored several Master students in various research areas close to his area of specialization. Dr. Consoli also engages teaching activities at graduate and postgraduate level, acting as guest lecturer for various international universities including Columbia University in the US as well as the Universities of Manchester, Tampere, Oslo, Torino and Castilla-La Mancha.
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Sarath Wsb Dasanayaka
Sri Lanka
Dr Sarath WSB Dasanayaka is currently working as Senior Professor and Director of Post-Graduate and Business Research for the Faculty of Business in the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka (
He has served for industry and academia over 32 years and carried-out many international professorial level academic and consultancy assignments over 10 countries.
He has authored 11 text books, published over 90 international high impact indexed journal articles, 20 book chapters and over 100 international conference papers and abstracts and many international consultancy and research reports.
He also an editorial board member and reviewer for many international indexed journals, PhD supervisor/examiner, professor application evaluator for many international Universities and a key note speaker for many international conferences in South Asia.
His latest publications appeared in SCOPUS/ISI indexed journals of International Journal of Information Technology Management, International Journal of Global Warming, Int. J. Services Technology and Management, World Review of Entrepreneurship, and etc. Many more articles are in the process of publication in high impact journals.
Currently he is engaged as lead researcher and Lead Economic and Financial consultant to many national projects such as City region food system – Phase V, Solid waste composting plants with FAO, IWMI, RUAF and Seaport, Urban Roads and Railway projects with international financial institutions such as ADB, World Bank, JICA and etc.
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Pierre De Gioia Carabellese
United Kingdom
Professor Pierre de Gioia Carabellese has been a fully Qualified Professor of Law in England and Wales since April/May 2017, having been successful in a public recruitment at the University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield Business School, School of Law. The conferment of the title as full professor of law was confirmed in 21 August 2017, where Professor Pierre de Gioia Carabellese started working for the University of Huddersfield.
At the moment, after 14 September 2018, Professor de Gioia Carabellese continues being qualified as full professor of law in England and Wales, enrolled with the British HEA (Higher Education Academy). Pierre is also qualified in Scotland as Solicitor, in Italy as Avvocato and he is member of the Gray’s Inn, in England.
Prior to the appointment as Full Professor of Law in England and Wales, for five years Pierre was Associate Professor of Business Law at Heriot Watt University, where he started in 2008 as Assistant Professor of Business Law. Pierre is bilingual (English and Italian) and he holds dual citizenship (British and Italian).
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Omar Patricio Vásquez Duque
Omar Vasquez Duque is a Chilean lawyer and a J.S.D./M.A. candidate at Stanford Law School and Stanford Department of Economics, respectively. His research focuses on the application of behav-ioral insights to competition policy and economic regulation, and empirical analysis of law and its policy implications.
Omar holds an LL.B. summa cum laude from Universidad de Chile (2013), an LL.M. from Harvard Law School (2016), and a J.S.M. from Stanford Law School (2018), where he graduated with full-honors and was awarded a John M. Olin Fellowship in Law and Economics. Omar was an editor of the Harvard Law and Policy Review, the Harvard Law and Business Re-view, and currently serves as the Submissions Editor of the Stanford Journal of Business Law and Finance.
Omar is qualified to practice as a barrister in Chile, where he worked for the national anti-trust authority, handling monopolization (abuse of dominance) cases in both unregulated and regu-lated markets (mainly financial and pharmaceutical markets). Omar also taught seminars on antitrust and law and economics at Universidad de Chile and spent three months at the University of Oxford Centre for Competition Law and Policy as a visiting researcher before starting his LL.M. More re-cently, Omar worked as a competition expert for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), conducting a competition assessment of the pharmaceutical sector in Mexi-co. Omar has published articles in peer-reviewed journals and has co-authored and co-edited two books on law and economics.
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Evis Garunja
Attorney Evis Garunja has completed her doctoral studies in Public Law (2010-2013) at the University of Pavia, Italy. The subject of her thesis is focused on the comparative Administrative Law between Albania and Italy in the area of Social Services Legislation, especially on social protection, health, education and family. She has attended university studies at the Aleksandër Xhuvani University, Elbasan, further studies in MASTER (LLM) corse at Alma Mater University, Bologna, Italy in "International Lawyers".
Other academic qualifications in the field of law are:
- In Family Law with a Postgraduate Course in Bologna / Italy;
- In International Criminal Law in Skopje, North Macedonia;
- Human Rights focused on the activity of Lawyers in Women's Rights, Sofia / Bulgaria;
- And with lots of scientific research, trainings and conferences in the field of Law and Social Sciences in and outside the country.
For more than 15 years, she worked as a lawyer, having the possibility to combine theory with practice. Her services as a Law expert were useful for many policy papers and studies elaborated by international and national NGOs.
From 2004 she has been a Part time lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Foreign Languages of the University "Aleksandër Xhuvani", in the subject "Business Law" and "Private Law". She lectured lessons in "Family Law" at the American University of Tirana (Elbasan branch) (2011/2012) and at Luarasi University, Tirana, in Master Program the subject "Private European Law".
From 2015, she is a full time professor of Comparative Public Law in the Public university of Alessander Moisiu Durres/Albania.
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Geng Jianing
Dr. Jianing Geng, a confirmed lecturer in Criminal Law at the Criminal Justice College of China University of Political Science and Law, holds the teaching of Criminal Law I, Criminal Law II and Comparative Criminal Law. In the same College, she is also deputy coordinator of the Criminal Science Section.
In 2017, she obtained the title of PhD in Criminal Law and Procedure at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, discussing a thesis entitled “Measurement of Penalty in the Case of Joint Crime”, with the supervision of Prof. Antonio Fiorella.
Among her publications, the following should be noted: On the Orientation of Objective Imputation of Corporate Liability for Crime against Environment and Its Reasonable Limitation: an “Inherent Liability” Solution (Shanghai, 2018), On the Contribution of Minimal Importance under the Unitary System in Italy: On the Differences between Chinese and Italian Criminal Law in the Principle of Punishment for Accomplices (Harbin, 2017), Consideration on the Joint Crime in Form of Omission (Jilin, 2015). A translation work to be concluded is the manual of Prof. Fiorella “Le strutture del diritto penale. Questioni fondamentali di parte generale” (Giappichelli, 2018).
In Reggio Calabria, a series of lectures entitled “Introduction to Chinese Law” will be held which includes seminars in the PhD Course on “Chinese Criminal Law”, and teaching in the Summer School Course on “General System of Chinese Law”.
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Gafurjan Ibragimov

Dr. Gafurjan Ibragimov is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). His major research areas include Linear pursuit and evasion differential games in finite dimensional and Hilbert spaces, Linear discrete pursuit games, Games on graphs, and Simultaneous games. He proposed a new theory in Differential games: Differential games described by infinite system of differential equations.
In 1991, he received his PhD degree, and in 2006, he received his Doctor of Science (DSc) degree from the National University of Uzbekistan. Currently, he is a fellow of Mathematical Society of Uzbekistan. Also, he is an associate Leading Scientific Researcher of Institute of Mathematics at the National University of Uzbekistan.
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Rafał Łukasiewicz

Rafał Łukasiewicz – Doctor of Juristic Science, researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Administa-tion of the University of Rzeszów. He defended doctoral disertation titled The Child’s Welfare and the inter-ests of other persons in the Polish legal regulation of adoption at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in 2017.Author of publications concerning the Polish Civil Law and the Japanese Family Law.
He cooperated with numerous Universities in Poland and in Europe. Depart-mental Coordinator for Erasmus+.
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Khademi Mehrnoosh

Mehrnoosh Khademi obtained her Master Degree in Industerial Engineering (Analysis of economic andsocial systems) in 2012. In 2006, she acquired a Bachelor Degree in pure mathematics in Hamedan, Iran.
Mehrnoosh Khademi is currently a Visiting Researcher at MEDAlics – Research Centre of the University for Foreigners “Dante Alighieri” in Reggio Calabria (Italy). She has published several articles and his research interests are: game theory, supply chain, optimizatin, desision-making.
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Marks Ruziboev

Marks Ruziboev PhD in mathematics in 2015 from International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste.
He is an expert in the filed of Dynamical Systems and Control Theory. The main directions of re-search include:
- Ergodic theory and dynamical systems
- Random dynamical systems
- Control theory and differential games
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Mehdi Salimi

Dr. Mehdi Salimi obtained his PhD in applied mathematics (Game Theory) in 2011 from "Universiti Putra Malaysia" (UPM). In 2006, he acquired masters degree in pure mathematics in Tehran, Iran. He was also a postdoctoral fellow in the Center for Dynamics (CfD), Dresden University of Technology, Germany, and finished the position in January, 2015.
Then he moved to the MEDAlics - Research Centre of the University “Dante Alighieri” in Reggio Calabria, Italy, for another postdoctoral and he finished the position in August, 2015. Dr. Salimi currently is a member of Center for Dynamics in department of mathematics at Dresden University of Technology, Germany.
Dr. Salimi has published several articles and his research interests are: game theory, pursuit-evasion differential games, data science, data analysis, machine learning and numerical analysis.
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Somayeh Sharifi

Somayeh Sharifi obtained her Master degree in Applied Mathematics (Numerical Analysis) in 2012. In 2006, she acquired a bachelor degree in Pure Mathematics in Hamedan, Iran.
Somayeh Sharifi is currently a Visiting Researcher at MEDAlics – Research Centre of the University for Foreigners “Dante Alighieri” in Reggio Calabria (Italy). She was a member of Young Researchers and Elite Club, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran, November 2014 - November 2017.
She has published several articles and his research interests are: game theory, pursuit-evasion differential games and numerical analysis (root findings), supply chain.
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Amith Vikram Megaravalli
Dr Amith Vikram Megaravalli is a faculty in Finance and Accounting area in MYRA School of Business, India. His teaching and research interests include Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Investment analysis and portfolio management and Banking. Dr Amith is a PhD in Management (Finance and Accounting) from University of Naples Federico II, Italy and was Visiting Scholar at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India (Sep 2016 – Mar 2017). The title of the PhD thesis is “Determinants of SMEs high growth: Evidence from Italian Firms. Dr Amith is the recipient of Doctoral Fellowship grant from University of Naples Federico II, Italy and also have published several articles in the area of Finance and Accounting. During his tenure in Swiss Re, he was awarded as the Best employee for his Outstanding performance.
Dr Amith holds a Master degree in Business Administration from the University of Bangalore. He has around seven years of work experience in both academia and industry. He has worked for Swiss re, ICICI Manipal Academy and Koshy’s Business School. He has also participated in Faculty development programme on “Value creation” organised by Ross Business School, University of Michigan. Dr Amith is also a member of the British Accounting & Finance Association (UK).
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Eleanor Florence Woodhouse
United Kingom

Eleanor Florence Woodhouse is an ‘all but dissertation’ PhD candidate at Bocconi University and an incoming Max Weber postdoctoral Fellow at the European University Institute. Her PhD thesis was completed at Bocconi University and Harvard University, where she was a visiting researcher at Harvard’s Department of Economics for an academic year, having been awarded the Fulbright-Schuman scholarship.
She is a graduate of Oxford University, University College London and Bocconi University who also worked as a Policy Officer at the European Commission. Eleanor’s research is in comparative and executive politics, where she aims to better understand how agency relations function in modern governance.
She uses quantitative methods to study the structural side of modern policy-making, addressing how hybrid governance arrangements and changing agency relationships can affect fundamental features of the democratic process, such as accountability.
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